Discover “Three Weimar Cantatas”: One release from 2001, from US - Available in CD
J. S. Bach

Three Weimar Cantatas

Johann Sebastian Bach - The Bach Ensemble , Joshua Rifkin - Three Weimar Cantatas
CD - Johann Sebastian Bach - The Bach Ensemble , Joshua Rifkin - Three Weimar Cantatas
CD - Johann Sebastian Bach - The Bach Ensemble , Joshua Rifkin - Three Weimar Cantatas
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'Recorded in the one voice per part style characteristic of Joshua Rifkin.

Recorded July 31, and August 6-8, 1995 & August 4, 1996.

'The recording of Bach's cantatas BWV 182, 12, and 172 took place as part of the Academy for Early Music held at Brixen/Bressanone by The Bach Ensemble in collaboration with the Brixner Initiative Musik und Kirche, which also provided crucial finanacial and organizational assistance in the realization of this project. Further support came from: Bayerisher Rundfunk, Muich; Radio Bremen; University Music, University of Aberdeen, in association with TotalFinaElf. Our thanks to all these institutions, and special thanks to the following individuals: Dr. Konrad Eichbichler, Brixen/Bressanone; Dr. Joseph Lanz, Bozen/Bolzano; Brigitte Essler, Munich; Prof. Roger Williams, Aberdeen; and Michel Romieu, Paris.''[discogs]

Himmelskönig, sei willkommen: Cantata for Palm Sunday, BWV 182
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen: Cantata for the Third Sunday after Easter (Jubilate), BWV 12
Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten: Cantata for Pentecost, BWV 172
Bass Vocals
Michael Schopper
Booklet Editor
Katherine A. Dory
Composed By
Johann Sebastian Bach
Countertenor Vocals
Steven Rickards
Christian Beuse
Engineer, Recorded By
Michael Seberich
The Bach Ensemble
Graphic Design
Kimberly Smith Company
Stephen Hammer
John Finney
Christopher Krueger
Soprano Vocals
Susanne Rydén
Tenor Vocals
John Elwes
Karl Fischer
Andreas Lackner
David Miller
Linda Quan
Myron Lutzke
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